A Letter to the Four Jars of Moldy Salsa Found at the Back of My Fridge
I hope that you will find comfort that while you are headed to the great serving bowl in the sky, your work on Earth will not be forgotten.
I hope that you will find comfort that while you are headed to the great serving bowl in the sky, your work on Earth will not be forgotten.
Unfortunately, the use of our XR line to assist in a murder of anyone is strictly prohibited.
You are supposed to be here no matter what the Space Squids wrote on your locker in 4-dimensional ink that you had to get a Helper-Droid to translate.
“I’m absolutely sure that I’ve never cried this much in my entire life.” / “The day I went into physics class it was death.”
TIME Magazine once called Dr. Krunth, “a man mad enough to think himself a God while doing the work of the Devil.” All summer I would call him “boss.”
I wanted to send an official cease and desist but my lawyer melted in 2016 so now I have to speak for myself.
"I can’t even remember a time in my life when I did not love [dead rock star]." / "Shocked and saddened..."
Quitticisim (kwit-??siz?m): The paralyzing decision to either delete or refresh Twitter every thirty seconds.
Truth is, all of us at USPS are trying to reach you/Because you checked off premium shipping without paying for that feature.
I cannot forgive you for making me spend what would have been my final year at Hogwarts shitting in the woods.
Flood solution? Plastic bags. Let’s collect them all and combine them into one giant, country-crossing, water-catching, plastic bag.
Red and White – Said or did something stupid but not necessarily evil. Named their baby after their foot massager.