Calling All Baseball Game Popcorn Vendors, Pharmaceutical Reps, and Bar Mitzvah DJs: We Need You to Hand Out Covid Vaccines
Geoff’s been out here slingin’ Coors Light at double-A ballgames for longer than most of these white coat jokers been alive.
Geoff’s been out here slingin’ Coors Light at double-A ballgames for longer than most of these white coat jokers been alive.
Patient says he’s over seventy years old, but he appears approximately eight years of age. Other than this red flag, clearly has commitment issues.
I’m holding myself accountable and learning from this experience (I will NEVER wear roller skates while performing surgery again).
At Bayer, we have a duty to pretend we have a duty to have a positive impact on the world.
I always dreamed of big things, like covering a knife cut on Mark Bittman’s finger, or a scrape on Usain Bolt’s leg, or being forgotten in Beyonce’s purse.
Pt. Jack Sprat re-check of cholesterol ratio and general lipid panel. Wife, however, doing poorly on Nutrisystem and needs to eat leaner.
Remember questions from children come from bewilderment rather than an impulse to influence those in power to use policy to promote population health.
Your doctor has horrible penmanship, so I'm really just going with my gut feeling here. I know exactly as much about your medication as you do.
While my MCAT scores were not the most competitive, I am a self-directed learner with strong communication skills and also I died for your sins.
Let’s band together like the professional basketball players and astronauts we want to be and save the world. Listen up, I got a game plan here.
The possibilities are endless due to your contribution. You could be used to study telepathy, astral projecting, homeopathy, ESP, and many more.
If there’s not enough pollution in the air to do serious damage to your lungs, doctors will suddenly find themselves out of work.