Social Insecurity: Your Ugly Future
The government has a special site setup to explain Social Security to kids using fables. Mike has a special column to say, 'Fuck you.'
The government has a special site setup to explain Social Security to kids using fables. Mike has a special column to say, 'Fuck you.'
It's gonna take a miracle to a) hijack a permanent, illegal Internet connection and b) get Taco Bell to stock all three sauces at once.
A wry, often smiting look at college life and society. Fulfill your inquisitive urge with these thoughtful, deliberate 1-2 punches.
What they don't know won't hurt them, right, so why not benefit from a little embellishment? Just go with the lies that come naturally.
A closer look at what the Founding Fathers (aka dead white frat guys) really had in mind when designing the voting process.
Maybe the Tour de France should be held on a giant sidewalk. That'll teach the Lance Armstrong wannabes to stop biking on the road.
Sometimes the hardest part about a trip is making it through the airport sane. Leave your firearms at home...for your own sake.
Whether you think you have the coolest dorm or not, you're guaranteed to have at least one of these toolkits on your floor.
The humor gods accept the ultimate sacrifice from the newest columnist on PIC: a scathing tribute to the rest of the site.
You can spend all night drinking and looking for the right party scene only to realize the best chicks are at the farm house.
Looking for a carry-on bag? Don't count on it. Breaking up 47-piece luggage sets is against department store rules.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the...wait, WHAT?! If your friend is getting married too, prepare for the best: open bar.