Revised Code of Conduct for Visitors to the Taxidermy, Waxwork, and Doll Museum of Natural History and Also Regular History
Please refrain from kicking the waxwork likeness of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, between his legs.
Please refrain from kicking the waxwork likeness of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, between his legs.
Henry has been doing our newsletter since 1986. He’s a little set in his ways, but we love him.
Day 2,121: In my book, only cowards change their email when a better and more convenient option becomes available.
Dear Future Pulitzer Winner: Out of our hundreds of submissions, not a single one has the cachet to pull our magazine out of the pit of tedium.
I’ll cut to the chase-Please stop running blackjack tables out of the CubeSmart.
Please do not straddle the beast unless you have experience wielding crotch rockets of NASA caliber.
Although, if I’m honest, Amanda has horrible email etiquette. One time she shared her screen during a meeting and I saw 12,000 unread emails.
Your message may simply be too sophisticated to be understood by lower life forms.
FALL Under The Spell Of The New York Blood Center’s Impending Autumn Drive. Ah-Ah-AH!
Like our CEO wrote in his “Daily Wake-Up” email, all of our cubicles can be temples of productivity.
If there was ever a year for you to slip through and get this relatively prestigious residency, it would have been this one.
This newsletter is put together by VOLUNTEERS in Shelly's basement sewing room and it's hard for us to keep up with ALL OF YOUR MANY, MANY QUESTIONS!