The 12 Steps of Recovering a Forgotten Password
Somewhere, up in the cloud someplace, there is a benevolent being that can let you back into your SubzScription account.
Somewhere, up in the cloud someplace, there is a benevolent being that can let you back into your SubzScription account.
Q: I don't seem to be getting any other emails besides the reply-all thread. Can you fix that? A: Great question! Again, sorry, but no.
- I am not interested in emails such as these. - My passion for these messages has with time been exhausted. - I am interested in not receiving these emails.
Heather was a total warrior throughout. Every time I saw what she was going through, I was in total awe. Like… Wow. Women are strong.
I’ve since had a cancellation, opening a slot when I actually COULD play one of your sick little games.
According to the Society for Appropriate Punctuation, the global supply of ellipses reached critically low levels during the last quarter of 2021.
Dear Xfinity, I could not be happier with my wifi. My internet is SO fast and I never randomly lose service while writing an important email.
FirstName, I am appalled at how my Republican opponent, Landsley Thornbeck, has been representing Name of State.
Your comment was “Bite me.” Since you did not check any of the five action boxes we provided, we are not sure what action to take.
This constituent definitely knows what she's talking about and in no way just copy-pasted talking points from an out-of-date email forward!
Okay, now we're starting to get mad. What kind of civilized person puts items in their shopping cart and just leaves them there?
As you already know from my #startupgrind Instagram posts, I’ve been hard at work on an exciting new business venture!