My Personal Statement Applying to Your Grad Program Because I’m 24 and Not Sure What Else to Do
What I love about education is that it provides the unique opportunity to do my homework instead of having to consider any future plans.
What I love about education is that it provides the unique opportunity to do my homework instead of having to consider any future plans.
Gather your family and friends in a Wi-Fi-less underground shelter and give them an envelope disclosing which part of the Andes you’ll be hiding in.
This residency is fully funded and exists in an alternate universe where the words fully funded do not mean we give you funds.
"Unless this is some sort of street lingo I need to brush up on, I think you may have accidentally contacted me. LOL!"
Upper management has been attempting to quell frustration by saying, “The Lord works in mysterious ways.” Well, I for one think that You should not.
When the captain misspoke and said “tur-buh-lence,” instead of “turbulence,” I was like a shark smelling blood in the water.
First Law of Freelancer Motion: A freelancer at rest will stay at rest unless that state is changed by an impending deadline.
These FDA-Approved Fusion Flavors™? are guaranteed to provide a satisfying Juul experience that appeals exclusively to people over 40.
Just touching base with you on this month’s miracles. As you know, miracles are one of our key performance indicators this quarter.
I don’t need to remind you about the “Flower Pot Fiasco," the “Macaroni Art Disaster," or the “I Thought It Wasn’t Until Next Month” flop.
I want to complement the kidnappers’ willingness to take down all of Larry’s dictation. That’s very considerate for kidnappers. He’s lucky.
(March 5, 10 PM) Our analytics tell us you visited our website recently, but you still haven’t re-subscribed to COOKR. Why not?!