I Asked 10 Doctors About This Thing On My Neck—Here’s What They Said!
"It's taking up a third of your neck and appears to have green veins extending from it. This can't be good." -Dr. Jennifer Miller, DDS
"It's taking up a third of your neck and appears to have green veins extending from it. This can't be good." -Dr. Jennifer Miller, DDS
Ask your doctor if Gamora is right for you. If your doctor says it is, wow, that’s a pretty ballsy doctor you've got there. I mean, this shit can literally kill you.
Usually Anthony Scaramucci likes to be called "Mr. Scaramucci," "CEO Scaramucci," or "The Dark Lord of Business." But he'll also answer to "Tony Scrambled Eggs."
Would people describe you as: A) a creative free-thinker with an "outside the box" mentality, B) a process-oriented manager focused on the big picture, or C) a cranberry farmer?
From 150 miles under the bandstand of Toms River, NJ, a demon explains what it's like to be a timeshare telemarketer in Hell.
Hello, it is me, your unholy host! I am here to answer the questions of the living, the dead, and the undead. Call in now while the moon is still full and the sun is yet to rise…
Soon I'll be eliminating all life on Earth, and there's nothing I can do to change course unfortunately. Any questions?
If you'd like to ask about a woman's plans for creating a miniature human being, you should first know everything about her situation. Here's what to ask.
There’s no one formula for love. That being said, we’re looking for naturally or surgically beautiful women in the IQ range of 70-89 with oblique abdominals.
You are now that much closer to achieving nirvana with the Kloud Kicker himself, vape creator and lead singer of Smash Mouth, Steve Harwell.
Why do you cry? Because your eyes are still constantly producing tears after that one guy you met as a freshman in college.
What little pop culture airtime us homeschoolers get doesn't exactly paint us with the best colors, so I understand why people have some preconceived notions.