Dear Mob, I’m Sorry I Forgot to Throw That Fight
I offered to go back into the ring and pretend to get knocked out, but it was too late, especially since I had already taken my shoes and socks off.
I offered to go back into the ring and pretend to get knocked out, but it was too late, especially since I had already taken my shoes and socks off.
It will be a chance to network over a sweet treat with other gladiators who, in a few days, will try to clobber the life out of you.
If you think Thanksgiving is a time when we could all come together, you haven’t met my family after I poke and prod.
Worried I might embark on a border-spanning bloody warpath? You think I have that many air miles saved up?
You’ll want to remember this before you charge into your first big gun battle with Dmitri the Razor’s anonymous henchmen and make your pain theirs.
Judicial combat is a seminal moment and, with a record of 22-0 (humans) and 1-1 (trumpeter swan, with rematch), you’ve come to the right person for advice!
That’s right, I’d be afraid if I were you too. Afraid of having my actions held up to intellectually rigorous ethical scrutiny!
I murdered your wife, and you got pretty mad at me for doing that. We’ll call that one a tie. We’re both people!
Are you fucking with me? Because if you are, I swear to God that, with ZERO hesitation, I will absolutely let you do that.
I assure you that there is no better place to be than in a rickety metal porch swing slowly ascending to the sky!
“Vegan! Give us ze classified recipes and ve vill let you live!” The Vegan’s former best friend-turned-nemesis, General Draganov, shouts.
Fight back by repeating daily affirmations—"I am good enough"—or by taking off a shoe and whipping it at the gremlin’s head.