How to Make a Drive-Thru Interaction Incredibly Awkward
Someone of your social ineptitude fears any conflict, meaning you should absolutely feel nervous about upsetting a bored stranger you can't even see.
Someone of your social ineptitude fears any conflict, meaning you should absolutely feel nervous about upsetting a bored stranger you can't even see.
Blathering on about one’s own dream is one of life’s greatest pleasures, a kind of psychological masturbation that satisfies our basest desire.
Redirect the Attention. Infiltrate the Distraction. And Proceed as if Nothing Has Happened. Together, they form a useful pneumonic: RIP.
That mix of fear and resentment swirling in your gut? That’s how every icebreaker exercise should feel. You want your group to absolutely hate it.
By the end of the semester, you should be able to verbally sedate your significant others for an entire dinner conversation.