No Surprise, You Just Screwed Up Your Starbucks Order Again
Crap! Crap! Crap! Brain, you idiot, what did you just do? You don't want soymilk. Why did you say that? Ok, you can fix this, THINK...
Crap! Crap! Crap! Brain, you idiot, what did you just do? You don't want soymilk. Why did you say that? Ok, you can fix this, THINK...
In theory there could be infinite ways to experience a given object, but we are limited to just five. Sup with that?
A partial list of deadly menu items being added by fast food chains everywhere, as catalogued by the Department of Homeland Security.
Have you heard about sushis yet? It's the hottest new food trend, served cold and eaten with chopsticks. Stranger than that, it’s actually made of raw fish.
One has many obstacles to surmount when constructing the proper peanut butter (PB) and jelly (J) sandwich. Failure to plan properly may result in dangerous consequences.
"Eating an occasional value meal is fine, but super-sizing it simply puts you and others in danger," a Big Mac spokesman elaborated.
According to the internet, hot dogs are trying to kill everyone. But how much merit does the viral news of the hot dog's tendency to cancerify children's bodies carry?
I’m a foodie at heart, but I’m cheap and lazy in reality. With a bit of elbow grease and macaroni, I’ve figured out a way to both have my free cake and eat it to excess.
If this is all symbolic anyway, then why can't the church bless a package of Oreos and distribute them accordingly? You'd see more children paying attention.
<p>18-year-old Katie Lawrence sent a splash of hot oil through the fast food industry today when she fulfilled a customer's request for an Egg White Delight, even though breakfast service had ended two minutes earlier.</p>
“You should always let your meat rest after it’s been cooked," they say. Does the chicken really need to rest after two hours of inactivity? Isn’t being dead rest enough?
When you are fat, death is your closest friend. This week I battled my fat phobias while in Las Vegas, where I ate the biggest, most decadent piece of cake imaginable.