Is This Blockchain?
Is blockchain when you’re constipated because you ate too many quarters? Is blockchain a European architectural trend?
Is blockchain when you’re constipated because you ate too many quarters? Is blockchain a European architectural trend?
Andrew has a new response for everything (“Lmaoooooo Yes”). Ralph comes to back to the group text (“Sup It’s Been Awhile”).
Write “Elton” on your left hand and “John” on your right hand, zoom in, and make it look like Elton John himself is removing your space helmet.
If you see something, say something, but if you see it again, say something different. Talk about the weather or a book you just read. We get it.
Fenrir and Sköll were raised by wolves in the New Mexico desert. Today, the feral sisters redesign homes for people who identify as animals.
Hark, I get it. Carpophorus is reinventing the very genre of public violence. I just don’t have time to get into the King of Beasts right now, okay?
Listen up, shitsticks: all you open-mic wannabes better take notes from the best comedian Channelside Elementary School has to offer.
And when you asked what this mysterious doppelgänger’s name was, your barber quickly said, “That? That’s, uh, Comb McScissors.”
Juan Baerga, ‘10, has only ever used what he learned from his $160,000 engineering degree in determining which piece to remove in Jenga.
There may be studio applause. If there is, I can assure you it’ll be excessive and unearned!
20. I Liked You Better Before You Were Naked on the Internet. 21. Sleepless in Seattle is Not All It’s Cracked Up to Be, Honey
‘Twas I who revived your battle-weary body with the healing milk of the tri-horned bison!