Apartment Listings in a Cyberpunk Dystopia
Historical Building, Mysterious Circumstance Me: A detective with amnesia and a cauterized head wound. You: Want to fill my second bedroom.
Historical Building, Mysterious Circumstance Me: A detective with amnesia and a cauterized head wound. You: Want to fill my second bedroom.
I just don’t think I can morally justify knowingly bringing children into a world where their dad would be me.
You’ve seen the lows; the fighting, the occasional breakups, and the time Jeff left me at Six Flags and the park closed while I was still inside.
Who’ll want to chat with poor old Yarvik about annual rainfall when they can discuss philosophy of mind or Baroque art?
Here at CamelX our motto has always been: "No one can believe stuff—unless you say it first.”
People I trusted to think through issues started quoting slogans I didn’t understand. “The dead are better off remaining dead,” they would say.
I do not rattle off these projections to inspire fear in the public. But we can no longer expect that IP extracted through traditional processes.
Oh. You're hung up on the "no pants" thing. Uh, look, time travel is an imprecise science.
With the last dregs of humanity, I became one of the lucky few to be invited into a reinforced bunker (along with my pal Mike, who is not as grateful).
"It’s a Wonderful Life When Compared to Everyone Else at This Bar" - George Bailey's guardian angel offers perspective.
If you’re still using Facebook today, you’ll still be using Facebook in 2042.
Actually, I think I’m responding quite normally to the motivational seminar I watch constantly.