Useful Quarantine Words in Other Languages
Ordemazão (Brazilian Portuguese) - Ordering a week's worth of pad see ew from the local Thai restaurant in order to meet their delivery minimum.
Ordemazão (Brazilian Portuguese) - Ordering a week's worth of pad see ew from the local Thai restaurant in order to meet their delivery minimum.
Note my proper use of “whom.” “Whom” is also my safe word.
I could tell he wasn’t like our past professors. There was a glimmer in his eye, a look that seemed to say: “I have had adventures with horses.”
Do You Remember Rock ’n’ Roll Radio? (It was Kind of Like Spotify) / The KKK Took My Baby Away (And Way Too Many People Seem Okay with That)
Shooter Urges Unity vs. Gun Violence | Wall Street Urges Unity vs. Income Inequality | Toddler Urges Unity vs. Temper Tantrums
#amactuallywritinggoodshit – This is a great hashtag to show other writers you’re not just writing, you’re writing better stuff than they are!
FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION (FHA): A liberal conspiracy to make everyone live in hippy communes.
"Pretty Girls Make Graves (For Immigrants We Don’t Want and I Smile at Those Girls and Give Them a Thumbs-Up Because I'm a Hateful Racist Arse)"
“Am I in the spam folder? I gotta get out of here.” “WARNING: YOUR HOUSE IS INFESTED WITH HOT SINGLES IN YOUR AREA.”
Number 10 is Just a Number Before Number 11 and One Number After 9 and I Just Relieved Myself In My Pants---See What Happens Next
CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG Pooped on My Lawn Again After I Specifically Told those Kids to Keep Him off It
Domino’s Pizza: We’ll be back in 30 minutes or less, guaranteed. Use the DomiNoPage™ Tracker app for live updates.