Other Basketball Movies Being Remade as Less Horny
Above The Rim: No one gets a scholarship to Georgetown, where many hookups can take place, because the grounds have been converted to a WeWork space.
Above The Rim: No one gets a scholarship to Georgetown, where many hookups can take place, because the grounds have been converted to a WeWork space.
A 30-Inch Footprint That I Touched and Then Tasted So I Could Begin Tracking Ronald: Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to murmur, “He’s near…”
Capital Confusion: Throughout its history, the “Naughty Otty Empire” had FIVE capitals: Söğüt, Nicea, Bursa, Adrianople, and Constantinople.
Your Four Grocery Bags So You Don't Have to Make Two Trips: These are overstuffed, precariously placed, and definitely digging into your shoulders.
Charlotte’s Web: After reading this pathetic book, I threw it from the top of the Duomo, where it landed upon and killed a Political Realist.
Not only are my kitchen cabinets sticky and brown, but they contain condos for giant cockroaches who never pay HOA dues.
Strategist, Influencer Marketing – What do any of these words mean, and furthermore what do they mean when they’re next to each other?
If you're like me, I imagine Melinda blindsided you with some out-of-no-where comment about how you’re “constantly projecting yourself onto other people.”
You know what I think? They didn't get it... Yes, they just didn't get it. They let a masterpiece slip away, right under their nose.
Childhood = Ruined! Kind of like our trust with our landlord if we don’t get that rent in on time.
Taurus--Titus Andronicus: You are determined and reliable, which will pay off over the years as you climb the career ladder.
“Hi!” (casual) or “Hello!” (formal): These will give the impression that you are used to greeting people and it does not frighten you.