How to Know God Has Been Sneaking Around Your House Lately
Your home library is all Bibles. I mean, uhh, could He make it any more obvious? The Bible is His favorite book!
Your home library is all Bibles. I mean, uhh, could He make it any more obvious? The Bible is His favorite book!
While it’s important to develop your key players (namely, your mom and your ex-boyfriend Ethan), don’t be afraid to throw in some side characters!
When he says "I love you," do not say "I love free chocolate." Instead, try using the word “you.”
Baby wearing is very in right now. You can do the dishes, vacuum, or paddle a lifeboat out of your flooded neighborhood.
This guide is not for the kids whose parents are still friends and kiss on the cheek every time they see each other. Those kids can go to hell.
Have you found yourself in a position where your grand scheme will allow you to not only kidnap the governor’s daughter, but his wife as well?
"A Text Message Conversation Between Max and His Best Friend from High School" – This conversation experienced many deaths.
Chess may be cool now, but it's still super hard. Here's a handy list of easier games you can play while you're high out of your mind.
Press mute on unsettling thoughts like this by turning up the volume on a new pair of Beats by Dr. Dre.
Too bad you aren’t welcome there! Argentina’s government, unlike the U.S., actually listens to scientists, so it closed its borders.
Playing outdoors can also be fun, but make sure to avoid unsafe areas like large bodies of water or ancient burial grounds.
Icicle Lights: You're here for the theater. The holiday season is about drama. You are not obligated to follow any HOA rules.