10 Things You Can Do with Your Political Opinions Instead of Sharing Them on Facebook
When you get that irresistible urge to post a story about a scandal involving the political candidate you dislike, whisper the news into a seashell.
When you get that irresistible urge to post a story about a scandal involving the political candidate you dislike, whisper the news into a seashell.
If you'd like to ask about a woman's plans for creating a miniature human being, you should first know everything about her situation. Here's what to ask.
The hottest supernatural female slayer/hunters, as well as those women who just happen to have bad-ass monster-killing skills.
As a reformed predator of tourists, I feel it is my duty to make amends for all of my past wrongdoings by sharing some simple tips for traveling safely.
Oil derricks are typically monochromatic, so eliminate the hassle of cutting a hole in your pants by just going naked. Pound a Cialis with a few shots of tequila.
Fuel up your chainsaws, polish your silver spheres, and crack the knuckles of your knife-fingered gloves: it's sexy male hunters from the movies.
A wedding is the perfect time for a woman to grab life by the heels and power move into life's next journey, alone.
You don't need to write me a poem or say something witty, but if you're boring I can't help myself: I'm going to mess with you.
Going for that peak-psycho ugly-cry in a public place surrounded by crazy sports fans probably isn't going to score you any "girlfriend points."
Points in Case polled 285 online participants immediately following tonight's townhall presidential debate in St. Louis. The results are surprising.
For the lovable loser in your life: It seems like just yesterday you were in kindergarten… Now you work at Best Buy.
Wow! This Guy Seemed Genuinely Kind and Interested In Me, But How I Blow Him Off Because of My Deep-Seated Insecurity Is Even Crazier!