6 Things I Can Do That Michael Phelps Can’t
Though his superior respiratory system makes him the perfect specimen in and out of a Speedo, there are, however, still some things I can do that Michael Phelps can't.
Though his superior respiratory system makes him the perfect specimen in and out of a Speedo, there are, however, still some things I can do that Michael Phelps can't.
Ladies, there's more to urinating than unleashing, draining, and calling it a day. Here's a short guide to six ways he pees that you may not know about.
Kermit and Miss Piggy's feud began in 1980, when she found out that he starred in a Trident gum commercial without her. Since then, things have been sticky.
Seven ways to use your God-given ability to produce weaponized shitclouds for personal satisfaction and enjoyment in the workplace.
Pick any ex-boyfriend at random, and dwell upon his cruel non-verbal communication - the eye-rolls, smirks, and resentful sighs. Imagine having slapped him every time.
There's no way I entered this incorrectly; I watched myself do it the right way ten times now. Why would I get my password wrong? It's MY password.
There’s no one formula for love. That being said, we’re looking for naturally or surgically beautiful women in the IQ range of 70-89 with oblique abdominals.
One has many obstacles to surmount when constructing the proper peanut butter (PB) and jelly (J) sandwich. Failure to plan properly may result in dangerous consequences.
Breaking up with someone can be extremely painful—I should know, I watched it happen on TV once. Here are the realistic feelings to expect and actions to take.
Whatever happened to boiling people in oil? Or the guillotine, or hot lead, or stoning people? Now you have to go to Saudi Arabia for good old-fashioned executions.
The internet crushes at lists. But here are seven situations in which it would be, I'm afraid, downright inappropriate to use a list-based presentation format.
It’s easy to become an alcoholic, since life is pretty terrible, but how to keep drinking and still (appear to) be a functioning member of society?