25 Words & Expressions With Completely New Meanings
Language is organic and needs to grow, but mostly it's vaguely sexual. Here is a glimpse into some meaning-morphing that you will use in everyday speech and print.
Language is organic and needs to grow, but mostly it's vaguely sexual. Here is a glimpse into some meaning-morphing that you will use in everyday speech and print.
The six most prevalent forms of conversation, or "talks," one encounters during the day to day, including small talk, crazy talk, office talk, and THE talk.
Helping other people, contributing to charity, and fighting to improve the overall quality of the world all sound great in theory. But they won't improve your life.
We are currently living in a golden age of comic book movies. If there is one failing, though, it is that we are yet to receive a good film led by a female superhero.
The chemistry between some of these characters leads to some awesomely homoerotic moments, not to mention way too much "shirt ripping off."
History has its share of weird bans that simply wouldn't have many supporters today, including bans on chess, coffee, tattoos, and Christmas.
It's important to recognize that no strategy is foolproof, so you should be totally prepared. Make sure to have an ample supply of guns and tomahawks.
Avoid posting about the weather, news, your feelings, or "inspiring" Latin quotes, unless you want people to think there's something seriously wrong with you.
As someone fat enough it would take even 19th century sailors a few years at sea to be tricked into fucking, I'd like to pause and reflect on the silver lining of being fat.
The title is half the battle. If I recorded a CD and named it "Guns Babes Lemonade," you would probably listen to it. Well there is an album called that. Listen to it.
First, you're going to buy a pumpkin about the size of a keg of beer, and smash it on your patio. Then you're going to the library for follow-up Halloween exercises.
Sure, your soul could be possessed by demons and your entire being assimilated into an abyss of utter, inescapable darkness. But it's a risk worth taking.