5 Reasons Why a Dictator’s Life is Better Than Yours
Sure you have to be ruthless and commit inhumane acts to maintain the culture of fear and desperation that keeps you in power, but it really is a charmed life.
Sure you have to be ruthless and commit inhumane acts to maintain the culture of fear and desperation that keeps you in power, but it really is a charmed life.
Reality TV shows are a dime a boring dozen these days. That's why we've created "The Real Housewives of Mogadishu" and "Top Homeless Chef"!
Special effects came on in leaps and bounds, Disney was in its golden age, and asshole Hollywood producers were yet to try and release every single film in 3D.
These are the network TV shows this fall that beg the question, "Are these network executives planning to seek professional help for their drug problems?"
Baby shower timing is important. Too late and Rosemary may be dead after the Antichrist rips out of her stomach. Too soon and she'll have no baby bump to sport!
Tony Dungy wants to take over the world for religious purposes; Peyton Manning wants to take over the world for world domination purposes.
This guide will help you more than therapy, medication, or discussing your anxiety problem with family and friends, who probably need mental help more than you.
Being stuck in a human-sized box six feet under ground for all eternity gets super boring after a while. Here are 10 ways to look good and keep busy, even in death.
Do not underestimate the importance of having two homes to being a writer, despite seeming to have nothing to do with telling a story. It's all about the dust jacket.
Deep-frying and deep-fried foods are now a major part of our lives, for better or worse. But the stuff in this list will either make you salivate or cringe and vomit.
One question people regularly ask me is, "What drugs are you on, and where can I get some?" Here are some sweeping generalizations to help get you high ASAP.
In an attempt to shield you from pedophiles, AIDS, and sun rays, your parents deprived you of the opportunity to experience rejection, exhaustion, and bullies.