So You’re About to See Someone Get Stabbed
In the unlikely but entirely plausible event that you’re about to witness a possible murder go down like Chinatown, here are three important things to remember.
In the unlikely but entirely plausible event that you’re about to witness a possible murder go down like Chinatown, here are three important things to remember.
A man's guide to navigating the murky waters of liking, poking, chatting, texting, calling, and friending in order to procure a non-random second interaction.
The following are some of the most worthless video games ever, and yet some our most priceless, hilarious artifacts of failure. Play them for their terrible qualities.
Maybe it's my generation's need to always be entertained, or maybe lifting a heavy metal bar up and down just isn't my idea of fun. Either way, I'm on a gymless streak.
If you're in the same sinking ship I like to call the "S.S. Thanksgiving Return," then here are the five stages you'll probably endure on your way to the gravy boat.
Unfortunately, you can't microwave a turkey. It just won't fit! So here are your options for preparing the most important piece of your holiday puzzle.
Unlikely 2013 movie lessons about life, love, and how to correctly dispose of a genocidal alien military leader who has just escaped the phantom zone.
You're not really a cheater, you just have too much sex to give. Here are the tools you need for getting some on the side, without your girlfriend finding out.
The following questions, grouped into your four life stages, will serve as an accurate means of assessing the growth of your developmental common sense. Probably.
At 30, single, tired of the vapidity of most day-to-day women, being an intellectual who smokes pipes, I reluctantly accepted a friend’s suggestion to try speed-dating.
This year we grab our white sheets and harass Whoopi Goldberg to be our ethereal go-between as we polish our (crystal) balls and tackle the top 5 sexiest male ghosts.
Feel free to apply this simple questionnaire to your own relationship—unless of course you're already married and aren't in the mood for bad news.