Possible Titles for Fast & Furious 7
The Fast & The Furious series is famous for fast cars, hairless men, and Tyrese Gibson comedy. But the most enduring facet of the films is their ever-changing titles.
The Fast & The Furious series is famous for fast cars, hairless men, and Tyrese Gibson comedy. But the most enduring facet of the films is their ever-changing titles.
Failing to catch your baby or tiny animal being cute is like going into the kitchen to make instant ramen, and setting fire to the sink. Here are seven failures.
I was curious to see what the rare, softer side of Bruce Willis is like, so I forfeited my masculinity and endured some shitty, yet wholesome cinema to find out.
This article will help you a lot more than therapy, medication, or discussing your condition with a loved one because chances are, nobody loves you anyway.
If the conditions that make you fat or skinny, exercise-addict or couch-potato, can be traced back to conditions out of your control, then who's fault is it? Your parents'.
The SyFy channel has produced nothing but a parade of low-budget, throwaway shite since its inception. And Defiance is just a Firefly clone without shame.
What makes a hero? Are they brave because they feel no fear, or from feeling the fear but embracing it? The following British characters have elements of both.
Here are six characters that could be given their own Star Wars films, and what good and bad would come from doing so.
PETA need to get off Nintendo's back and focus on the people REALLY sending the worst messages about animal treatment to kids: children's film producers.
Women, you will painfully observe the slow process men go though as they reach the point where they no longer try to win you over. Men, there's always Viagra.
Fortunately, there are some equations out there that don't conjure up bad memories of wetting yourself during a math test, and I've got them here!
A soundtrack to your night of sweaty, slick passion is the closest you're ever going to come to recreating that scene in Titanic when Kate and Leo bone in the car.