15 Things You Sorta Knew, But Were Hesitant to Acknowledge
It's simple: parking garages are scary, traveling is dangerous, psychics are vague, and your girlfriend is pregnant. But hey, you knew all that, right?
It's simple: parking garages are scary, traveling is dangerous, psychics are vague, and your girlfriend is pregnant. But hey, you knew all that, right?
America is in love with the "Top 10 List". So get ready to rally behind my tallies, as I plan to catalyze evolution through overload with a top ten list of top ten lists.
Sometimes I hear my friends expound on cooking tips they've heard somewhere before and I think, "Well, that's not right." Here are six common cooking myths.
I have designed the following six guidelines in order to assist nice guys in their quest for happiness and love. It's simple: first let your heart die, then play the game.
Don't get me wrong, I love this city, passionately, whole-heartedly, and sometimes toxically. But there are some things I'll never understand about New York.
Come 2015's release of Episode VII, will Star Wars reign triumphant again, or will the franchise descend further into the swamp of midichlorians and ugly, ugly child actors?
Things to look forward to after you stop drinking: eating crazy meals without vomiting, filming neighborhood pornography, and immunity to previously insulting comments.
If you do anything out of the norm in 2013, please make sure that you get into a close-quartered sword ?ght at high elevation in a hot air balloon.
All about the vagina and its associated sexual functions, including pubic hair, intercourse, foreplay, orgasms, and birthing. Welcome to Jamie's Mecca of Vagina!
To inspire all of you teachers out there who are on the verge of screaming at your students, punching your administrators in the face, and/or committing suicide.
I've done my best this year to try and avoid the Facebook narcissism that endlessly infiltrates my news feed, only to find that it is physically impossible, thus Part 3.
A much-needed revision to the outdated gifts from the Christmas classic. Hell, even a song about gifts in 2005 would be long obsolete given our demand for the latest in supply.