Top 5 Reasons Star Trek is Better Than Star Wars
Before all you Star Wars fanatics get your storm trooper tights in a bunch, remove that hot light saber from your butt and remember this is about qualitative value, not box office figures.
Before all you Star Wars fanatics get your storm trooper tights in a bunch, remove that hot light saber from your butt and remember this is about qualitative value, not box office figures.
With the first Hobbit film soon to hit theaters, and Game of Thrones still cutting a bloody swathe through the TV ratings, are we about to see another golden period for fantasy movies?
It has been brought to my attention that sometimes people get sober. Mostly because they don't have enough money or brain cells left to take drinking to the next level.
Most of the emails you send on a daily basis contain absolutely no thoughts that could be considered "profound." So stop using ridiculously unrealistic inspirational quotes.
These days it seems that respect is out the window in arguments for the sake of cleverly tearing your opponent's anus out with witty one-liners. Turns out you suck at them.
Fat stoners are funny in stoner comedies and in line at Taco Bell, but they aren't good roommates. Here's what to expect if you make the terrible decision to live with one.
To a man, nothing is hotter than the idea of a woman who wants nothing more than to devour him, along with the guarantee that she's going to swallow.
This year we've picked a somewhat daunting monster to find attractive. As walking corpses, zombies tend not to be included very often when erotic fantasies come to mind.
Sometimes a movie's terror creates a vortex of fear that spins you until the force sends you flying off into the depths of the cold, lifeless abyss. Fuckin' shit's scary.
Babies are the worst. But now you accidentally have one (please say it wasn't on purpose), and I'm here to help you deal with the screaming little poop factory.
The late-teen/college-aged, sex romp, 1980’s rom-com is the epitome of excellence. And I base this solely on my recent viewing of "The Sure Thing," amongst other preconceptions.
A narcissist never washes his hands after using the restroom because he thinks, "My genitals are clean, not dirty. If everyone could touch my genitals, they would be better people."