7 Things I Want to See During the Apocalypse
It takes a special kind of fucked up to make the Apocalypse actually happen. You can't just wing a bad disaster and hope it wipes out the planet, you need well-planned chaos.
It takes a special kind of fucked up to make the Apocalypse actually happen. You can't just wing a bad disaster and hope it wipes out the planet, you need well-planned chaos.
Drinking isn't a one-size-fits-all activity, so how exactly are you gonna get drunk for your next party, office function, or family gathering? Here are 11 recipes for your next event.
In our many years of scrolling, we have begun to notice how predictable and mundane each of our Newsfeeds has become. Here are 14 statuses you should always rethink.
Learn to be more open-minded, cultivate some patience, and for God's sake don't say the first thing you think of when a beautiful woman makes random conversation with you.
I used to really enjoy listening to music until I heard Madonna's new album "MDNA." Every fucking song on this record sounds the same: terrible.
People try their best to organize their lives every day, EVEN FAMOUS PEOPLE. And since I'm the creepo who spent hours tracking down all their to-do lists, check out what I found!
Sex on the computer may seem a lot easier than sex in real life, but the truth is, there are plenty of risks involved in digital coitus, like catching a virus or revealing your fetishes.
Everyone knows the world is going to end in 2012: you, me, the Mayans, and George Lucas knew it all along. Rather than get all emo about it, why not embrace the situation?
A progressive biologist's guide to understanding and analyzing the 8 groups of birds and their general stupidity and ridiculousness. Because birds are the Earth's comedic gift to us.
If you participate in one or more of the following 8 actions or behaviors, you are a monster, and you are cordially invited to eat fast food for the rest of your pathetic life.
If you've ever been heartbroken or dumped, you know that shitty feeling that feels like you'll never come out from. Guess what? Now's the perfect time to bring everyone else down!
For every awe-inspiring blockbuster or hard-hitting drama we fall in love with, there is always going to be an obnoxious remake. Here is a list of the big films coming in 2012 and what to expect.