Top 5 Sexiest Male Werewolves
When it comes to sexy werewolves, the balance is tipped firmly to my side of the scale, since they're pretty much skewed towards a gay audience. Here are the top 5 sexiest!
When it comes to sexy werewolves, the balance is tipped firmly to my side of the scale, since they're pretty much skewed towards a gay audience. Here are the top 5 sexiest!
I am perpetually stunned by how vapidly stupid the parents of smart children can be. Here is a list of the 10 types of parents I despise the most.
'The most important document to emerge from a computer since The Golden Rules of Instant Messenger.' -Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and CEO of Facebook
Congratulations, of all 32 NFL teams, you decided to cheer for the Oakland Raiders! As a long-time Raiders fan, I've created this guide to help accelerate your assimilation into the Raider Nation.
Ten ways to spice up your life using the unexpected to your advantage, including a vacation to North Korea and a simple church bombing!
<p>You might remember him as the coach of the greatest peewee hockey team ever: The Mighty Ducks. However, after much research into the "Mighty Duck Man" himself, I've decided he is nothing more than a mighty douchebag. Here are 10 reasons why.</p>
Unless you can prove that you are indeed Dracula's metrosexual grandson, do not pop your collar. Pansies like you disgrace real men.
I make minimum wage at a dead end job. Part of my job includes interacting with you. This means my job fucking sucks. Here's how you can make it worse.
Groups that sum up the little things in life, but I'll never expend the energy to create. Like, 'No matter how stocked the fridge is, I never want to eat anything in it.'
American youths are steadily being eroded into douchebags, techno-geeks, and new age hippies. Here are the worst things chipping away at the next generation.
We all love our dogs. But there is a very real and frightening issue of the growing communist threat. Here are five ways to tell if your dog is a Pinko.
In an attempt to single-handedly save humanity from the impending arrival of zombies, I have compiled a survival list. Start preparing now, before you're eaten alive.