Halloween Double Feature: Top 5 Sexiest Male and Female Vampires
To celebrate Halloween, PIC writers Andrei Trostel and Gavin Pitt have collaborated to bring you the top 5 sexiest male and female vampires, with pics and video!
To celebrate Halloween, PIC writers Andrei Trostel and Gavin Pitt have collaborated to bring you the top 5 sexiest male and female vampires, with pics and video!
Ten super sultry places that in your mind seem to be sizzling and amazing places to have sex, but in reality aren't all you built them up to be.
While internet dating is fundamentally pathetic and wrong, it is becoming a great way to meet like-minded losers who fear a lonely death as much as you.
I've heard the question asked too many times to count: Why do the assholes always get hot chicks? As a pretty cute girl, allow me to explain.
Just like cigarettes become part of someone's life even though they kill them inside, Nickelodeon was doing the same, only worse. Here are the real cartoon facts.
Is there a God? Let's assume there is. If there is, He (or She) is pissed. Must be. Here's why. (Reason #1: Because we believe we deserve heaven just because we went to church once.)
I enter an Asian massage spa parlor near me for sex and my mind is flooded with thoughts: How much does this cost? Do I get a handjob? Is it illegal?
<p><font size="3"><strong>1. Play Hide-and-Seek</strong></font></p> <p>This applies to "Ghosts in the Graveyard," four-square, and pretty much any other game you used to enjoy. If you're still engaging in these activities, odds are you're the only participant over the age of twelve, or you're drunk. </p>
By personalizing what they love most, men make something already special even closer. Not naming your penis is like forgetting to name one of your kids.
<p>So, it was late last night, and I had a paper that I didn't want to write and a midterm for which I didn't want to study. Naturally, I was IMing a friend and browsing YouTube when I was suddenly struck by the memories of some of the things that I fear most in life.
No man loves an idea better than laying back, stretching out, and relaxing the shit out of himself. And who better to teach you than a manly man's man?
Five simple ways to pick up a college chick, including the 'wounded puppy' and 'shove and help' techniques. Not to be attempted halfway.