Conversation Topics Short Enough to Complete with My Barber While I, a Nearly Entirely Bald 55-Year-Old Man, Get My Hair Cut
Good reasons for anyone, anywhere, under any circumstances, to buy, make, or consume a blueberry bagel.
Good reasons for anyone, anywhere, under any circumstances, to buy, make, or consume a blueberry bagel.
Doesn’t fall correctly… I don’t know what the ideal shape would be, but this wasn’t it.
Not "thinning out." Not "George Costanza-ing." Nope. You're going full-on, sunscreen on your scalp, brain-practically-exposed BALD.
I was wondering aloud if my hair looked hideous and ratty like an overstuffed wasp nest. I didn’t even think you heard my medium-quiet whisper!
Don’t think of it as a "weakening of the hairline." Think of it as a "strengthening of the forehead."
Today’s Opposite Day was triggered by my friend’s child, Kalley, who expressed that I "had a nice haircut… on Opposite Day."
You’re such a hypocrite, standing by your skinny jeans but not me! How have you been in therapy this long and still care what the mean girls are saying?
The thickness of the summer air has once again damned you. I say, I’m going to return with some hot coals to singe those satan ropes.
Just like wolf mamas out in the wild, she has a den (our closet) where she keeps her babies (plushies, only the ones with faces).
What have you been up to during Covid, other than neglecting your split ends, obviously? Did you box dye your hair? I thought so.
"His sneakers are kind of beat up, but that just shows he's a man of values, of integrity. Everyone respects him for this."
I guess I just need some time to wrap my perfectly symmetrical head around this bizarre predicament.