Sexual Fantasy: Football
“We’re number one!” I cheer. The team wheels around. “No,” they respond. “YOU’RE number one.” Then they offer to pay off all of my debt.
“We’re number one!” I cheer. The team wheels around. “No,” they respond. “YOU’RE number one.” Then they offer to pay off all of my debt.
It’s really nice catching up like this, but I do feel like we need to have a little talk, bear to man.
Quarter of a Quarter Life Crisis: Age 6. You will cope by throwing tantrums before bedtime and refusing to share your trucks with Jeremy.
Caring for children is one of life’s most rewarding jobs. Our nanny will need a sens…
Is this real life? This lawsuit has consumed your mind, your nerves, your days, your marriage for the better part of four years.
We used to have lights, but we found that they reminded people way too much of their cell phone screens, so we got rid of them.
"Stranger Things": This coming of age sci-fi romp will take you back to a time when you could actually enjoy summer.
As I’ve come down with a bad case of wet-ass this summer (medical condition), Marcus could easily catch me and force me to share the bicycle.
By all accounts, my client satisfied the legal definition of a sharp dressed man. And yet, the ladies did not come a-runnin' just as fast as they can.
How is that standard any different from "has a job?" Spoiler alert: it's not!
President Williamson announces her first Executive Order to great fanfare, enforcing a mandatory 15 minutes of daily mindfulness for every American.
Phone Addiction: In the pocket where ye usually keep your phone, keep instead a hairy, spindle-shanked, venomous spider. Incur bites until cured.