Is My Roommate Having a Stroke or Is She Just Becoming a Feminist?
My annyoing-ass suitemate Pauline thinks Amy's experienced massive brain hemorrhaging. I think she's just experienced a socially-conscious awakening.
My annyoing-ass suitemate Pauline thinks Amy's experienced massive brain hemorrhaging. I think she's just experienced a socially-conscious awakening.
Yes, he can be a jerk. Yes, he can Yes, he lives large. But what if he can't help it? Would you bash Kanye if he was bipolar? Oh, you ARE cruel.
OCD is no laughing matter. Your face, however, is a different story. In fact, you should probably get that checked out before you seek therapy for your OCD.
Welcome, everyone, to the North Jersey Chapter of Assholes Anonymous. Before we begin, please take this opportunity to make sure your cellphones are ON.
It's taken me a lot to get to this point: taking a poop on acid. For those of you who never intend to drop acid, this is what it means to poop while tripping: everything.
Just like my last surgery, this one was scheduled to run between 60 and 90 minutes, but wound up clocking in at just under 300.
The surgeon had to call in heads of two medical departments to figure out what the hell to do. The agreed solution? Just ram the bone in and put the metal back on.
I suck at climbing stairs so much that I break bones and get sent to the hospital with an ankle so fucked up it requires MULTIPLE surgeries... the German way.
What happened to you? You use to be so full of life, now all you do is scroll through Internet lists, day in and day out. Well, this is an intervention.
There's no real easy way to go about this so I'll just come out and say it: I've switched bodies with my 9-year-old son and I don't know what to do about it.
For losing 40 pounds I gained respect. For gaining a few back my critics are back, and they are appropriately skeptical: we should all be wary of unpredictable people.
If you took Fenodoxline for depression, chances are you're going to get sadder. If you took Fenodoxline for foot cramps, there is a high chance you'll lose your hands.