Suggestions from the Suggestion Box at My Teppanyaki Restaurant Where I Make All the Food with My Bare Hands
Posting signage around the restaurant that says, “We Pinky Promise We Washed Our Hands Before Returning To Work,” is not comforting.
Posting signage around the restaurant that says, “We Pinky Promise We Washed Our Hands Before Returning To Work,” is not comforting.
Were you raised by parents who “loved you unconditionally,” regardless of your achievements and “accolades”?
Sure you have been up since 3 AM, counting the hours before you cry in the bathroom on your lunch break. That doesn’t mean you can’t tell others how to live.
Hamm from "Toy Story": Manufactured from plastic, Hamm should be the last option on anybody's transplant list.
Doritos, we’re nothing but consistent. Doritos are always crunchy. We never give conflicting guidance on how to enjoy Doritos.
Making January fly by depends upon how much, or how little, you acknowledge in your mind that it's actually January.
Widely considered the apex of the Spider-Man films, the first sequel is also significant because its release coincided with the passing of my second kidney stone.
“Unless you’ve got millions in the bank, any form of routine maintenance is downright unaffordable.”
This year, those in last year’s Rhea Gold Plus Silver Less Pro will, for example, be in the Mango Outie plan that has colossally different benefits.
#4 "Stress" Clearly the weak link in the bunch. "Stress" is out of its league here, and it knows it.
I’m 89 years old and I’ve literally never seen Heimlich's Maneuver happen, and I’ve eaten at hundreds of sloppy lobster restaurants.
Yeah, I’m the Leonardo Da frickin’ Vinci of avoiding meaningful human interactions.