Proper Dental Hygiene with JRR Tolkien
The journey begins in 465 of the First Age, before the birth of Tuor, son of Huor, with three methods, given to the lords of the brush.
The journey begins in 465 of the First Age, before the birth of Tuor, son of Huor, with three methods, given to the lords of the brush.
I’m here to tell you that for your upcoming, serious, life-threatening gallbladder removal surgery, you’re on your own, kiddo.
Grab brunch with friends, but only half-listen to what they’re saying. Something about a "drinking problem" and "ruining Stacy's wedding."
It has seen someone naked within the past year. / It does not feel like it missed out on buying Bitcoin at a decent price.
Tall, blonde, and glamorous goblins with mullets, breaking out in song, will banish teenagers to bogs that smell of fecal matter, among other things.
What wizard? No, I haven’t seen the wizard. Do I look like I’m the sort of bloke who hob-nobs with wizards?
Sit down and place your feet on the ground and just feel the earth beneath the carpeted floor as you wait for your weekly allergy shot.
Don’t get too cute with the disease you’re pretending to have. Obviously, it has to be a qualifying condition, but it should also be believable.
Thanks to you, our novel species of intelligent beings may roam these brown leather lands and pray to the red flannel ass above.
For too long, we have ignored the very real threat that COVID-19 can survive in and be spread through ectoplasm.
You didn’t wake up to be mediocre. That’s the job of the deadbeat still sleeping in your bed.
Next time, consider delivering in a Lyft, the cereal aisle at your grocery store, or during your yoga class. Claim denied.