Revised Code of Conduct for Visitors to the Taxidermy, Waxwork, and Doll Museum of Natural History and Also Regular History
Please refrain from kicking the waxwork likeness of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, between his legs.
Please refrain from kicking the waxwork likeness of Canada’s first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald, between his legs.
Take better care of skin. Already looking like middle-aged 17-year-old
When was the last time my name came up and someone said, “Oh, you mean the guy who ruled over the greatest period of expansion in the Aztec empire?”
Disappointing Truth: Stonehenge is just another case of mass hysteria. In reality, of course, rocks can’t be balanced on top of each other.
It will be a chance to network over a sweet treat with other gladiators who, in a few days, will try to clobber the life out of you.
To medal in the Turkey Trot, you have to defeat seasoned fitness freaks and erratic savages who only run once a year.
You dumb pee stained ice cube, do you understand how embarrassing it is to be sunk on your maiden voyage?
I am a mortal woman in the 21st century, and I carry more tonnage on one shoulder every single day. Go on. Touch my trapezius muscle.
I’ve been in the apostles' crew for almost a year now, but Jesus still makes me wear a nametag every time we hang out.
The whole town had gathered in the stands, because they were too poor to afford a place in the seats.
For all you foodies out there, you should know that very few alehouses carry meade, let alone fresh horsemeat.
No Alex was a few years behind us. I’m Allen. See my nametag? Alex is probably off expanding the limits of the Western world or something, the madman.