When is the Best Time to Visit New York?
There are three distinct rivers in New York summers: the Hudson, the East, and the one continuously flowing down into your ass crack.
There are three distinct rivers in New York summers: the Hudson, the East, and the one continuously flowing down into your ass crack.
Do not launder money through your birdhouse. It is a crime punishable by penalty of not getting to have a birdhouse anymore.
You’ll feel that you’ve won the war of slobs vs. snobs you started with the Dean. But then you’ll realize how happy Dean Trublioni makes your dad.
Froot Loops’ Toucan Sam is about as dreamy as tropical birds get. Father McGillicuddy had a much harder time wrapping his brain around this one.
But if Mr Zuckerberg thinks that now I will finally bring him that Tickle Me Elmo, he is wrong. He was a bad boy then and he's an even badder boy now.
Players who take, like, 20 napkins and then use, like, just two napkins and throw away the other 18 will be ejected from the game.
If you do purchase a star on Star Registry for your wife, don’t tell her you named it Cougar15 because she's a cougar and you’ve been married for 15 years.
I'm warning you: they won't stop until Arbor Day becomes Firewood Day.
“My moon is in Sagittarius, so I shut down emotionally to cope with stress! I told you that on Christmas after I punched that mall Santa!”
Historically (more for you than for me as I'm hundreds of years old), gold values increase during dips in international trade.
With the smell of Elmer's glue and viscosity of frozen molasses, Ghost Lube by Karl Lagerfeld is a must-have at a mere $4,500 per bottle.
Exercising, befriending co-workers, and taking hostages are great ways to cheer yourself up in an otherwise dismal new year!