Christmas Stalkings!
There's never been a better time to help out a stalking sufferer.
There's never been a better time to help out a stalking sufferer.
The gift of life is supposedly one of the best gifts a woman can ask for. But sometimes it takes a bigger man than her husband to get the job done.
It doesn't matter what you celebrate, only that you do. If you fuck up my holidays, I'm going to stuff my boot in your stocking.
The party platter of awesomeness that makes Christmas the coolest holiday is a combination of family, football, friends, liquor and gifts.
Nate hands out gifts to everyone from sports fans to crack-whores. It may not be what you asked for, but it's probably just what you need.
All the hype, all the songs, all the shopping, and suddenly everything's over. Now it's time to cleanup the mess.
Straight from the set of the Home Improvement comes an annoying gift for all the people you hate: the Tim Allen box set.
Go ahead, make all the New Year's Resolutions you want. In the end you'll just be punished for aiming too high anyway.
A girl's Halloween costume can tell you a lot about how she is in the sack. That should give you plenty more reason to stare.
December can be an awfully lonely month if you don't find someone to share all the mushy holiday moments with. Step one, learn to cook.
The days leading up to the 25th provide an eclectic mix of Christmas music and Marilyn Manson's latest hit: "I want to cut off your skin and wear it like a jacket."
Your Christmas might vary between the type of family and amount of unconsciousness, but it probably doesn't get any less depressing.