An Open Letter to Extroverts from Introverts During This Holiday Season
These last ten months of social distancing, mask-wearing, and air-hugging have to have been especially tough on extroverts.
These last ten months of social distancing, mask-wearing, and air-hugging have to have been especially tough on extroverts.
Every Chanukah for the past seven years she kept telling you she doesn't want you to buy her anything, with “BUY” and “THING” in air quotes.
Does this mean Santa's Workshop will close? Santa's Workshop will live on as a digital storefront competing with hundreds of counterfeiters.
He had pallid green skin and was terribly smelly, Like putrid roast beef in petroleum jelly.
Baby's First Oil Field Science Kit – Rebuild a scale model of the oil fields owned by great-great-grandpa Thurston Moneybags III!
“We must hide his nonconformity,” said Donner as he rubbed his son’s nose with mud. “Pa, I don’t want to!” “Just endure, Rudolph.”
Okay, just because you didn’t say “Rudolph” doesn’t mean you “protected my identity.” It sounds like you were very specific about the shiny nose.
You and I both know what I’ve been up to, and it isn’t putting me on anyone’s good list.
The theme of the event is “Don’t Stop Believin’” and the entire three-hour ordeal will include many references to the 1981 Journey song.
I ree need to know if youtube dining hin fit Chirstmas, / Translation: “I really need to know if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
I know it’s cold and you warm-blooded, furless, pansies are sensitive, but is it too much to ask for someone to say, “I’m SO excited for Winter!”
I didn’t see His star. I mean, I didn’t notice His particular star. Truth be told, I’d had more than a few martinis with my friend, Nadia.