Good Answers
Here are the best answers to a bonus question from my midterm question: How can Casey Professor improve this class?
Here are the best answers to a bonus question from my midterm question: How can Casey Professor improve this class?
Since nobody trained me how to be a professor, and I still remember some of the stuff my old ones said, I now use a lot of the clichés I hated back then, but find useful now.
Sorry I egged your car, dirty ass roommate, even though it was nothing compared to the other thugs.
My Grandma smiled, pinched my cheek and said, "I know, Casey. But you're so handsome you look like Sean Connery Junior."
I heard Everclear is basically the same thing as rubbing alcohol, except rubbing alcohol makes you go blind. Or maybe it's the other way around. Or maybe it's both. Who knows?
Don't get me wrong, Korea has a lot of awesome stuff, but there are just some things the USA does great. Hamburgers, pizza, bagels, Mexican food, Mexican pizza, pizza bagels and so on.
When you become a world famous writer and ESL professor, you get things called "Two Month Paid Vacations." So I packed my luggage and headed to the most exciting place in the world: the USA.
Everybody makes mistakes, even me. I've been learning Korean (slowly) and here are some of the funnier mistakes I've made in the past few weeks.
Somebody gave me a pill and said, "This will help you fuck like a 19-year-old." So I took it. Here's the inner monologue of my back-to-teen-years-banging adventure.
I despise most taxi drivers. In all cities and in every country, they always seem to be assholes. So recently, I enjoyed the pleasure of almost killing a cabbie in Korea.
Recently, a special ladyfriend joined me for a night of her getting really drunk and passing out before any bases were reached. I decided to go through with my promise of cooking breakfast, mainly for morning nookie.
Here's the deal, gigantic spider, if you're going to live in my apartment with me rent-free: I don't ever want to see you. I'll allow us only one run-in a week. Any more than that, and I might squish you.