Moo Moo, Your Childhood Stuffed Animal, Is Filing for Emancipation
From the moment that Santa delivered Moo Moo to you under the artificial Christmas tree, Moo has felt smothered.
From the moment that Santa delivered Moo Moo to you under the artificial Christmas tree, Moo has felt smothered.
The bandmates of both Cuccaro and Smith shall have their longstanding permission to “crash on the couch” revoked no later than the day of divorce.
The truth is that we have something you want, and you probably don’t have much choice.
When you sing to your baby please use public-domain music.
You can provoke me all you want but I'm not going to do anything irrational. Except remove your handcuffs in a parking lot.
The restaurant would tell you that a lot of my experiences were colored by my sloth, but I disagree. This could happen to anyone, even the slothless.
There are just too many beautiful people here tonight! No, really. There are actually too many of you and roughly ten to fifteen people have to leave.
My clone is always ill. Plus, our clones are deficient in blood, because we didn’t give them enough blood, so they are often woozy.
Some things just can’t be fixed with free waffle fries.
My initial thought was to upload old home movies of my clarinet recitals and junior varsity soccer games.
The suits on Capitol Hill are scared of an everyday American taking two of our country's greatest pursuits, knives, and recreational explosives.
So wait, I can’t meet with you/speak to you/copulate with you without a loyalty card? Unfortunately not!