Suggested Reading for Your Not-Woke-Enough 6-Year-Old
The Little Engine That Lost Its Medicare - After losing a spoke while transporting cargo, The Little Engine is no longer able to afford repairs.
The Little Engine That Lost Its Medicare - After losing a spoke while transporting cargo, The Little Engine is no longer able to afford repairs.
The doors and windows are all open and the room is empty except for a puddle of water under the body. How can this be?
The gang meets at the gym as they each try to punch the hottest boy in town. Curly Girl has a touching feminist discussion with mom about journalism.
Grover Cleveland was not the first, nor last, president to wear a diaper while in office, but was the first to wear a diaper made of human flesh.
Must have a very strong bladder. We don't have many public restrooms here in Hell, and you will almost certainly have to wait in line.
"Oh, now, don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life. It's something we're all destined to do."
I empathetically understand why you think your house burned down, but technically it was destroyed and not “burned down.” This difference does matter.
Fauxpreneurs believe if you’re not on the ‘gram, you will never become a unicorn. Look for at least three pictures per day showing her “hustling."
When I give blood, does the needle the doctors use make a hole in my arm that a ghost could get into?
How do you think the Andersons feel when I deliver their photos, and half of them are so overexposed that you can’t see the barn they’re leaning on?
When I got a text from my wife that you looked at her beautiful food grinders and said, “Are these rocks in your mouth? Who put these in?” I got mad.
CO2 emissions > Gases of prosperity | Smokestacks > Beacons of progress | Crude oil > Liquid America