Everything at Area 51, Besides the Aliens
Bigfoot, Chupacabra, but not Mothman (he’s a real jerk)
Bigfoot, Chupacabra, but not Mothman (he’s a real jerk)
Did you receive Venmo payments from your ex (Handle @MattDereklol46) AFTER you broke up on July 23, 2021?
Or the words are about something I feel self-conscious about, like my underbite or my current living situation with my parents.
5: Percentage of my college tuition covered by the inaugural Just a Taste of Hope Ayn Rand Memorial Scholarship.
Random people keep jostling you to get to the front of the amorphous blob you’ve been waiting in for 30 minutes.
A scribe’s only acceptable wardrobe is a good collared shirt or sensible cardigan, or a collared shirt under a sensible cardigan.
If you were one character from Lord of the Rings, who would you be? I’d be Gandalf because, like he says, “a wizard is never late,” lol.
The May-Decemberita: Sherry with a sprinkle of Molly.
He asks you about yourself, things like, “Can you give me a kidney?” and, “So how’s about that kidney?”
I Got You Babe (And By “You” I Mean Rude Comments on Your TikTok)
The "Definitely Not Adderall" Meal ($54.99): A taco shell with six tablets of Adderall in it.
You are pressing the button so hard that the spring mechanism has failed. Please stop pressing someone else’s button.