The Assassination of Julius Caesar If It Were Reported in 2022 AD
The New York Times: Critics Say a Roman Civil War Is Coming—Others Disagree
The New York Times: Critics Say a Roman Civil War Is Coming—Others Disagree
How many fouls does each player get? Do dogs get the same number of fouls? How much longer until the dogs come out?
What does democracy look like? This is what democracy looks like: it’s kind of pear-shaped.
Our Tallest 2nd Grader: I mean, have you seen this kid? He can even spell “tyrannosaur.” Anyway, he’ll be teaching AP Bio.
@JayGatsby: If getting rich off #Bitcoin is bootlegging then lock me up, old sport.
"I didn't really think this one through. I'm stuck here in this pre-Y2K past. I now have homework again and two presentations next week!"
- Skip. Just, skip. This is the best activity on this list. - It’s freezing again--take that jacket back out of the closet.
Sending Him flowers every once in a while, you ingrate.
Robert Frost: - Horse feed - 5-Hour Energy - Map - Seriously you cannot keep calling me to pick you up in the middle of woods
Reading the author's Wikipedia page may have sailed you through book club, but it will not sail you across the river of souls.
If you break up with a man, you'll get a text message. If you break up with a woman, you'll get an Edible Arrangement and a Babeland gift card.
- Sometimes the leader thinks they can fly. - Workers must work as fast as they can with barely any breaks.