Pokémon or Pasta Shape?
- Dedenne - Victini - Boldore
- You become astonishingly strong when angry. - You can destroy an entire house in seconds.
- Which do you love more: me or your idea of me? - Would you still love me if I were replaced, piece by piece, until nothing of my original self was left?
- Who Really Needs Charging, Me or My Case? The Ongoing Enigma - For the Love of All That is Holy, Please, Clean Me
- An important work of literature is being discussed. You have not read it. - You are mostly silent.
Two Boston brand faux-wood pencil sharpeners: one electric, one battery-operated, both used solely from the years 2000 to 2004.
Spider 8 was banned from Goodreads for her particularly scathing review of Jonathan Franzen’s latest novel.
I thought the mixed berry would pair well with the mix of emotions I had been feeling since my mom married her long-time boyfriend, Alfonso Matrioni.
I’ve never lied about being robbed at gunpoint to avoid admitting to pissing in some bushes outside of a western Rio de Janeiro gas station.
- Loving Big Brother: Why the Government Should Be Spying on Us More - This is a Flammable Stack of Paper
- You're warning me about the grizzly bear in my blind spot. - You're using Morse Code to ask me out on a date.
Ask them if they've tried that pencil trick to help them smile their way out of stress.