Catcalls from the Final Days Before Doomsday Destruction
Hey girl, let me get your number, along with any additional resources you might have lying around, like a spare oxygen tank.
Hey girl, let me get your number, along with any additional resources you might have lying around, like a spare oxygen tank.
Someone in the room is acting as a leader, and no one is having it
This Café Makes All The Espresso, I Guess / Sacrifice Something So Grandma Can Leave
Good reasons for anyone, anywhere, under any circumstances, to buy, make, or consume a blueberry bagel.
Warm and wide-ranging and wise, a wonderful companion. Plenty of substance but free of clumsiness. Neither cloddy nor cobby.
The job description mentioned “complimentary fruit." Could you please elaborate? As in, what fruit are we talking about?
Your Mac is overheating. Your Mac can’t stop looking up the symptoms of rare computer viruses.
- Everything is interconnected, but how? - Things get real messy, real fast
Your Password Is Insecure: password Your Password Is Confident: Password.Period.
I Didn’t Kill Jillian, Per Se, But I Am Indirectly Responsible for Her Death and While It Haunts Me, I Am Still a Redeemable Character
In the distance, you hear the echo of someone repeatedly muttering, “Mingus Ah Um.”
- Queenside Tuscaloosa - DeVry-Phoenix Main Line - The Jay Leno Trap