53 Thoughts Sting Has During One of His Eight-Hour Tantric Sex Marathons
- Are fish and chips macrobiotic? Probably not. - Can’t believe scientists can clone a sheep but can’t make fish and chips macrobiotic.
- Are fish and chips macrobiotic? Probably not. - Can’t believe scientists can clone a sheep but can’t make fish and chips macrobiotic.
Arugula? Tatsoi? Mihirakula? Tamerlane? Everything on this list is ready to haunt you.
"Bitch Mom’s Top Ten Child Rearing Tips and the Cocktails to Pair with Them: with Recipes from the Hit Blog, Bitch Mom Kitch Mom"
- You like to travel and explore places far, far away. - You prefer drinking in bars with a unique atmosphere and diverse characters.
- Your uncle’s third ex-wife. - Bullies from the 7th grade whom you like to keep tabs on just in case.
Should I be worried that she sometimes sits there with the water spraying her in the face?
- Anecdote about resilience of human spirit - Science faculty smug whenever vaccine is mentioned
"Small Town Girl, Big City Knockers" - Double Dee Feat. Skyla Mirena "I'll Never Be Him (He's a Soldier)" - Creelyn Crawley
“Take it and you never will be sorry that you did.” “You would be surprised to find how good it really is.”
When’s the last time you showered? A. Before you left for the club. B. It was a week ago and it was to cover the sound of your sobs.
- You just met the person who will be intimately probing your body - Several people and bright lights surround you
- By far the most popular style: crew cut. - You never imagined that one place could contain so many worn-out heels.