2020 as Told by My Very Healthy, Reasonable Grocery Lists
June 7th, 2020: Enriched flour, Sourdough starter, Yeast, Loaf of Sara Lee in case July 4th, 2020: Watermelon, American flag to burn, Hot dogs
June 7th, 2020: Enriched flour, Sourdough starter, Yeast, Loaf of Sara Lee in case July 4th, 2020: Watermelon, American flag to burn, Hot dogs
Sea Mink: “Know your strengths, what others see and desire in you, and then hide or remove those strengths so that they don’t kill you for them.”
The Old Man and the Sea: Old Men LOVE Fishing but Hate Shark Week in the Gulf Stream!
“With monotonous passages that seem to drone on and on, it felt at a certain point like the author himself had switched to auto-pilot.”
The PhD student who worships Peter Travers and prefers Kurt Cobain’s technical prowess as a vocalist over Nirvana as a band.
Nietzsche: The dishes cannot be done because they are no longer dishes; they are merely objects awaiting their next social construction by humans.
Journal entries dissecting a previous relationship / Bad poetry / Concerns to share with doctor / Reminder to self to be more crafty
Discover a side hustle such as giving speeches about your main hustle. / Learn to do basic household tasks like having sex with your own spouse.
AstraZeneca: As a gentleman of an Eton and Oxbridge pedigree, you take pride in dignified indolence. Why give it your all when 70% is just fine?
Baby's First Oil Field Science Kit – Rebuild a scale model of the oil fields owned by great-great-grandpa Thurston Moneybags III!
Main priority is to help a childish man learn to accept responsibility and find happiness. / Likes to wear tube tops and/or bright mini skirts.
I ree need to know if youtube dining hin fit Chirstmas, / Translation: “I really need to know if you’re coming home for Christmas.”