Questions I Asked Realtors During My Pandemic Apartment Hunt
Does this apartment have a laundry machine, and just out of curiosity, has anyone discovered a way to wash the mind?
Does this apartment have a laundry machine, and just out of curiosity, has anyone discovered a way to wash the mind?
Joe takes me out onto the balcony, places his strong, soft hands on my cheeks and whispers softly in my ear, “Amtrak.” We make love under the moon.
Hey, Maggie, I’ll cut right to the chase. Please, Maggie, confirm that you’ll see me at Miller’s Tavern tonight at 8 p.m.
You have a personality. Other girls don’t. They have no personality. They aren’t funny and they have no hobbies or interests to speak of.
Early Adopters: The line you wished you’d gotten into to get the better kids than the ones you’re in lockdown with.
Fund your retirement account - The best time to start investing is when you’re born. The second best time is when you’re completely potty-trained.
25% Mommy, 25% Daddy, 25% Mommy’s Yoga Coach, 15% Daddy’s Secretary, 5% Tinder Guy Who Was Into Daddy and Daddy’s Secretary, 5% Lube, 100% PERFECT ME!
Jigsaw sunk into a deep depression after realizing that no one is ever in the mood "to play a game" anymore, especially over Zoom.
Enjoys pretending to teeter on the brink of breakdown to gain physical and emotional labor from loved ones.
"Pups Go Camping" - The PAW Patrol round-up protestors, immigrants, and intellectuals to take to a mandatory camp in the woods.
It may seem like the only offshore things he cares about are drilling and banking, but remember, you are a strong, sexy, SENTIENT storm.
Cabin Fever Delight - Hot dogs sizzle over a space heater because you’ve officially lost it. Time is nothing but a construct.