Offensive Tweets From Jerk Birds
ka-ha-ka-ha kuk-kuk-KUK | Translation: I’ve got nothing against European starlings. They should just go back where they belong.
ka-ha-ka-ha kuk-kuk-KUK | Translation: I’ve got nothing against European starlings. They should just go back where they belong.
The one where Phoebe divorces Mike after falling in love with Chrissie Hynde, and Tulsi Gabbard officiates at their wedding.
FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION (FHA): A liberal conspiracy to make everyone live in hippy communes.
Accidentally kill yourself on a snorkeling adventure you’re not trained for to see the coral reefs before they, too, go to be with the lord.
Some genres start off as an experiment. Others, like Freshcore, start off as a fake song recorded for a deodorant commercial.
"Pretty Girls Make Graves (For Immigrants We Don’t Want and I Smile at Those Girls and Give Them a Thumbs-Up Because I'm a Hateful Racist Arse)"
Absolutely fantastic, although there were some pacing issues in the beginning. I laughed, cried and experienced everything in-between.
"Nine Game of Thrones Cast Members Who Traced Their STDs Back to Kit Harrington - Never ride bareback in the North."
Garrett P. is from Birmingham and looking for love. Dan R. is from Birmingham and does not care that there is less than 25% support for banning abortion.
He spent your entire relationship lying and promising things that never came; he’ll fit right in amongst our nation's political leadership.
Are you adept enough to distinguish these English football stadiums from locations in Westeros and Essos?
Scrolling through Twitter for the news. Driving a Tesla for the environment. Living with six roommates for the camaraderie.