How Sexist are You? The Misogyny Test
If you're a modern man, chances are you hate women. Don't be afraid, it's natural. After all, they use their vaginas to gain an advantage in life and you can't do that.
If you're a modern man, chances are you hate women. Don't be afraid, it's natural. After all, they use their vaginas to gain an advantage in life and you can't do that.
When at a party, stare distantly into the wind and say "I loved a woman, once" while sporting a visible erection to increase the manly perception from those around you.
From sports-themed haircut places, to restaurants and TV shows that highlight and exploit douchery, the perceived image of what guys like is ridiculously exaggerated.
You young guys have a lot to learn about women. But you're in luck. Rob Ford is here to tell you how to relate, dominate, and perpetrate when it comes to chicks.
Do you need full-color photographs of brand new dudes showing you how to do the same basic exercises every single month? Then you need New Dudes Magazine.
Being hirsute shouldn't be considered gross! Face fros are beautiful! They show hard work and dedication! And tons of other girlfriend-friendly stuff!
I have designed the following six guidelines in order to assist nice guys in their quest for happiness and love. It's simple: first let your heart die, then play the game.
The average male has no idea that a stent removal will be the most painful, emotionally scarring experience in their life. All the best to you and your penis, sir.
Relationships, the differences between a man and a woman, the yin and the yang, the alpha and the... lesser alpha. The glue that binds and the absolute mental catastrophe that entails.
If anyone found out these unspeakable acts were premeditated, the tolerance for them would be worn thinner than the nearly tangible membrane between good and evil.
<p><img src="/files/u46/DSCN4322.jpg" width="400" height="533" /><strong><em> <br />(Before reading my tips on how to make your tallywacker bigger)</em></strong></p>
<p>Lately, man as we know it has become, let's face it, sappy and lady-like. <br /> <br /> Unacceptable. <br /> <br /> So I'm flipping back to more manly things for a while. It's what I was born to do.<br />