How to Make Your Dick Bigger
<p><img src="/files/u46/DSCN4322.jpg" width="400" height="533" /><strong><em> <br />(Before reading my tips on how to make your tallywacker bigger)</em></strong></p>
<p><img src="/files/u46/DSCN4322.jpg" width="400" height="533" /><strong><em> <br />(Before reading my tips on how to make your tallywacker bigger)</em></strong></p>
<p>Lately, man as we know it has become, let's face it, sappy and lady-like. <br /> <br /> Unacceptable. <br /> <br /> So I'm flipping back to more manly things for a while. It's what I was born to do.<br />
Find out what goes through the average single guy's mind during the day...start to finish, completely uncensored.
Back pains and difficulty urinating? You might just wanna tough it out...that is, unless you enjoyed your last alien anal probe.
Congratulations, you're just five steps away from making everyone on campus feel strangely confused and uncomfortable in your presence!
What little clarity is available in man's brain can only be tapped right after that ass. Then it's all muddy again with thoughts of dirty sex.
Women, want to take complete control of your man? Get him to love you, leave him, take him back, then eliminate his friends.
#16: Don't watch The Notebook. I mean sure, it might help you get the girl, but even you have to draw the line somewhere.
You pick the less desirable scenario: completely unexpected, highly-visible hard-ons; or totally controllable, scheduled leakage?
It's so cheap, yet so unbelievably sweet! This thing is definitely gonna score me some hot ladies tonight. Nothing says laidback like the Hawaiian!
There are a lot of hypotheses for the mystery of the failed hookup, but none with such extensive research in the field (of cannabis).
Next time you hear the words, 'What can I get you to drink?' you'll know exactly what you're getting yourself into besides 'drunk.'