You Might Have a Small Penis If…
<p><img src="" align="right" />Earlier this year I wrote one of my favorite posts called "<a title="You Might Have a Big Penis If...
<p><img src="" align="right" />Earlier this year I wrote one of my favorite posts called "<a title="You Might Have a Big Penis If...
Tired of trying in vein to get with women? Being a dick is harder than it looks, but with a little bit of cockiness, you're on your way up.
A website containing a database of cheaters, liars, and bad boys? How cute, the Feminazis are learning how to operate a computer!
men, women, life, work, female, orgasm, manipulate, dinner, money, children, mother, bond, father, cry, naked, sex, period, frail, rape, period
Welcome to Male Finishing School: Soak up your semen slang, but watch out, this thick load of vocabulary can be quite a mouthful.
When it comes to hooking up, you have to play by the rules. Baby talk? Anal? If you're not careful, it's going to be your ass.
<p><img src="" align="right" />Following up on the recent <a title="So You Saw Your Roommate's Penis | Jake Christie" href="">roommate penis situation</a>, I'd like to identify those times when you know your OWN penis is probably more than you can handle.
Armed with a little background knowledge, confidence, and party strategy, winning over your latest infatuation isn't so hard after all.
Yes, even The Nice Guy has a little scum in him too. But you'll probably be more familiar with the dirt from the other 4 levels of scumbags.
Finally ladies, a man who undoubtedly will leave the seat down—not just for you, but for himself. Some guys just can't pee standing up.
From the world-renowned author of the proverbial book of love comes the highly-authoritative manual for stimulation. Aka, The J Spot.
Too many guys fall victim to the girlfriend trap, often totally unaware. Now learn ten signs your friend is whipped and help him see the light.