The Hidden Messages in Various Albums If You Play Them Backwards
.5: The Gray Chapter - Slipknot (2014): The band members have a frank discussion about their worries regarding rapidly decreasing bee populations.
.5: The Gray Chapter - Slipknot (2014): The band members have a frank discussion about their worries regarding rapidly decreasing bee populations.
I am a robot whose contribution to popular culture burned bright but was brief. No one cares about Mars Rover anymore, because it's not 2003.
Is it really necessary to go through the garbage can? Yes, I see the notes you’ve found. They’re also from my mother.
Feel the spirit of Hannity/Ocasio-Cortez in Mariah songs like "Can't Let Go," "You Need Me," "I'm That Chick" and "Up Out My Face."
Or there’s a penny stuck in your nose. Then again, when was the last time you really took a good hard look at your nervous system?
The Foul-Tempered Oboe: Quicker to anger than the clavier, will just as soon stab you with a double-reed as look at you.
I arrived home to my apartment, fresh groceries in hand (despite the fact that I am never seen cooking, talking about food, or eating).
Step 21: Start by googling quotes about running, a weird number of which are from the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami.
Merrells are suddenly the only shoes that don’t "hurt your feet," and you explain this to strangers, even though your feet have never hurt.
You're probably wondering, what sort of management skills does this guy have to run Tesla? Rest assured, I'm just like you: all over the place.
You probably want to spend one episode on how I was a loving husband and good friend who did nothing to deserve this, whatever "this" ends up being.
“I served two tours in Afghanistan,” one woman said, “and I just thank God I never experienced anything like the horror you’re describing.”